"Things which are truly worthwhile do not usually come easily, and to strive toward them is to gain strength of character." — Jay Massey

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Diversion: PVC bow take down handle

I needed to turn a small PVC bow into an even smaller piece for travel. Here is the simple way I converted it into a takedown bow.

  • First, make the bow as normal, flattening the limbs, adding recurves, etc. Tiller it as you normally would, but leave the handle section in the round.
  • Draw a straight line down the handle section longer than you want the handle to be (in my case, 4", so I made the line about 8"). Also draw where the ends of the handle should be.
  • Cut a section of PVC as long as you desire your handle to be (in my case, 4"), but one size larger. For example, my original PVC bow is 3/4"; my handle section is 1". Draw a line down the middle of the larger pipe, parallel to the edges.
  • Cut the handle of the bow as close to center as possible but on a slant of about 30-45 degrees. (I cut mine so the slant ran side to side rather than forward and back.)
  • Heat the now-cut tapered ends and, one at a time, push them into the larger handle section, up to your handle mark on the bow. The heated part of the bow will deform to the size of the round handle section. Use the straight lines to help you align everything and make sure the limbs don't go in crooked.
    • NOTE: I chose to heat the smaller pipe and push it into the larger pipe so that I could make sure they could come back out again. Heating the larger pipe and forcing onto the smaller pipe works, just so long as the smaller pipe handle section is still truly round (which mine weren't after flattening the limbs).
  • The tapered cut you made means that the more pressure is exerted on the bow limbs, the more the ends will push together in perfect alignment. If you wish, one end can be glued into the handle section for convenience.
Here are a couple of pictures that pretty much explain everything faster than I could in words. Good luck!

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